Switch to CFL Light Bulbs
This is one of the most immediately suggested energy saving tips because of how efficient of a fix it is. CFL bulbs can provide an impressive 10,000 hours of light, while using only ten dollars' worth of electricity, at roughly eight cents per kilowatt hour. In order to get the same output with regular incandescent bulbs, you would need to buy seven bulbs, costing less on the initial purchase, but more in the long term. Not only do CFL bulbs use that much less energy, but they also last ten times longer than regular incandescent bulbs, providing residents with plenty of opportunities to save.
Install Smarter Switches
If you find that you are frequently struggling with your energy needs on a user level, it can be a good idea to invest in more user conscious products. Motion sensor light switches can be the perfect solution for lights that are constantly left on. They will always turn off automatically when you are not in the room, which can help you save as much as one hundred dollars every year. This can be combined with things such as timed switches on bathroom fans and light fixtures to help you further control your electricity usage. This synergy can be particularly useful in a busier household, where it is harder to monitor individual energy use.
Buy Energy Star Appliances
Whenever it is possible, invest in Energy Star appliances. This is a good purchase because the Energy Star name tells you that your product meets stricter standards for energy efficiency than other brands. Studies show that the average household will spend $2,000 each year on their energy bills. When you buy Energy Star products, however, it is possible to save upwards of thirty percent on your yearly bills. This means that, on average, you can save about six hundred dollars annually, just by switching to specialized products.
HVAC Maintenance
Finally, one of the best ways to save regularly, especially during the colder and hotter times of the year, is to keep your HVAC system well maintained. Studies show that users who do not keep up with the maintenance of their systems will need to make replacements more often, while putting more pressure on their systems to work harder, using more energy to perform the same tasks. By keeping your system clean and clear, you will not only extend its life, but also ensure that it continues working as optimally as possible.