Within this section you will find all available manuals, documents and articles for our products. The majority of our documents are in PDF format and require Adobe Reader in order to view. If you do not have Adobe Reader installed, you can download and install it here: Adobe Reader.
IP3 Series Pedestal Downloads
Select your pedestal configuration by using the selection boxes to the left. Once finished, use the button below to download a detailed informational spec sheet for that pedestal configuration.
Download IP3-15-SR-N-FSGeneral Information
IPLC Brochure
The IPLC Brochure. Download the PDF to get the complete information on the IPLC and what it can do for you.
IPLC Brochure - French
The IPLC Brochure. Download the PDF to get the complete information on the IPLC and what it can do for you.
IPLC M210TN Brochure
The IPLC M210TN Brochure. Download the PDF to get the complete information on the IPLC M210TN model and what it can do for you.
M210 Product Descriptions
This document lists the different models in the M210 Series and a description of each.
Fleet Managers Brochure
An informational brochure for fleet managers featuring the diesel schedule.
What Natural Resources of Canada has to say
This PDF is a summary from Natural Resources Canada on the value of using IPLC to save energy and help the environment.
Manitoba Hydro customers talk about the IPLC
Globe Agencies finds money in the parking lot.
University of Regina talks about the IPLC
An article written by the Leader Post from Regina, Saskatchewan discussing the benefits of the IPLC at the University of Regina.
Documents and Manuals
IP3 Series Installation Guide
PDF of the IP3 Series Pedestal installation and commissioning document, includes installation instructions and factory default program parameters.
IP3 Basic Installation Guide
PDF of the IP3 Series Pedestal installation and commissioning document, includes installation instructions and factory default program parameters.
IP3 Series Installation Guide - French
PDF of the IP3 Series Pedestal installation and commissioning document, includes installation instructions and factory default program parameters.
IP3 Basic Installation Guide - French
PDF of the IP3 Series Pedestal installation and commissioning document, includes installation instructions and factory default program parameters.
M210-15 Installation Guide
PDF of the IPLC installation and commissioning document, includes wiring diagrams and factory default program parameters.
M210-15 Installation Guide - French
PDF of the IPLC installation and commissioning document, includes wiring diagrams and factory default program parameters.
M210TN Installation Guide
PDF of the IPLC M210TN installation and commissioning document, includes wiring diagrams and factory default program parameters.
M210TN-15 Installation Guide
PDF of the IPLC M210TN-15 installation and commissioning document, includes wiring diagrams and factory default program parameters.
M210TN Installation Guide - French
PDF of the IPLC M210TN installation and commissioning document, includes wiring diagrams and factory default program parameters.
M210SN Installation Guide
PDF of the IPLC M210SN installation and commissioning document, includes wiring diagrams and factory default program parameters.
M210-20 Installation Guide
PDF of the IPLC installation and commissioning document, includes wiring diagrams and factory default program parameters. This version is for our t-slot plug version of the IPLC.
M210-20 Installation Guide - French
PDF of the IPLC installation and commissioning document, includes wiring diagrams and factory default program parameters. This version is for our t-slot plug version of the IPLC.
IPLC M210 GFCI Wiring Options
PDF of the IPLC M210 GFCI Wiring Options, GFCI is NOT included in the M210 but it can be added with these options. This PDF also includes the testing procedure for the M210 with GFCI installations.
IPLC Data-Mate Manual
This PDF is the instruction manual for the IPLC Data-Mate programmer.
IPLC Data-Mate Manual - French
This PDF is the instruction manual for the IPLC Data-Mate programmer.
IPLC Data-Mate Installation Guide
This PDF is the installation guide for the IPLC Data-Mate programmer.
IPLC - About The LED Lights
This is a PDF document that can be emailed or printed and distributed to staff and residents to inform them on how the IPLC operates. Answers users questions, like "What do the lights mean?".
IPLC 3D Drawing
This is a three dimensional drawing of the IPLC unit.
IPLC M4 Cord (M4-15-2S) User Guide English Version
If you have purchased the M4 Cord it is important that you retain the manual included in the package since it includes your serial number and access code.
IPLC M4 Cord (M4-15-2S) User Guide French Version
If you have purchased the M4 Cord it is important that you retain the manual included in the package since it includes your serial number and access code.
Past Product Information Sheets
IPLC M310 Hand Held Manual
This PDF is the instruction manual for the IPLC M310 Hand Held.
If you have any questions or require assistance with the downloads, please contact us.
IP3 Series Pedestal Facts
- Rust-free anodized aluminum tower construction.
- Available in 15'' or 29'' pedestal heights.
- Pedestals anchored with universal mounting rings designed to fit 6'' or 7'' grid mounts.
- Available with or without the IPLC control and in single or dual control models.
- FS mount with in-use cover.
IPLC M210 Facts
- The IPLC unit can be installed in minutes without any special wiring.
- Ideal for new or retrofit jobs, models available for 15 or 20 amp installations
- The IPLC has flexiable programming capabilities for all applications.
- The IPLC can reduce energy costs up to 65%.
- The IPLC has unique diagnostic feed back lights.